found on a new zealand linux user group's discussion board in a topic mentioning (in the same sentence) Qt, KDE, GNU Lisp and Plan 9. Reference: /n/sources/patch/applied/fortune-add Date: Wed Sep 1 18:36:44 CES 2004 --- /sys/games/lib/fortunes Wed Sep 1 18:36:44 2004 +++ /sys/games/lib/fortunes Wed Sep 1 18:36:41 2004 @@ -4018,3 +4018,4 @@ recordio.h:992: type `__true_type' is not a base type for type `__false_type' Telephone number has to be 10 numbers. For example, enter '8002158482'. Please contact us at 1-800-215-8482 for any assitance. No one but a theorist believes his theory; everyone puts faith in a laboratory result but the experimenter himself. - Einstein +(Okay, Plan 9 isn't Linux, but it's a close relative).